Walker Arts Center, Saturday 9:30-3:30

At Free First Saturday at the Walker, I helped with a bookmaking art lab activity inspired by the Allen Ruppersberg: Intellectual Property exhibit. Populated mostly by children and their parents, in this activity, the guests would fold a large piece of colorful paper to become a four-page book, and use a smaller piece of paper to become the cover, with words or without, the three block-printed sayings being "HARDCORE 24 HRS. A DAY", "YOU AND ME AND ME AND YOU", and "WHERE SHOULD I GO?". A variety of fun stamps were provided, many letters and some pictures. While I would talk with the guests, clean and prepare materials throughout the day, my main jobs were greeting and explaining the concept to each person who came through, and helping with instructions for those who had difficulty. Each guest found themselves able to express themselves, from children near infancy who simply enjoyed smashing stamps against paper, to families and older children who worked together to create something they liked out of the resources they had.