Native Youth Arts Collective
Total of 20 hours of filming, picking up equipment, returning equipment, writing release form, meeting with Genevieve and editing footage. Below are the break downs.
March 13th, Indian Center Pow Wow. 5pm-9pm. Myself and two other collective members including my younger brother (from one of the other groups) came and filmed b-roll!
Release form we drafted. We forgot to add email but the interviews we had planned backed out unfortunately so we did not use these..
We met someone from the Native American Women Empowerment Campaign who was really excited for this film! She took our photo and shared in on their facebook to help call for interviews!
March, 30th 5pm-9pm, Augsburg Pow Wow. I met with most of my group at Augsburg to film b-roll and conduct interviews with 3 children. We had a lot of fun hanging out and and it was cool to have other groups members come out and experience their first pow wow! I’ve gotten to know one of the NYAC member from previous sessions but didn’t know the other member before this collaboration. It was cool to be able to all hang out and run around the pow wow together laughing and figuring out what shot we want.
Some of the interview questions the NYAC came up with!
April, 6th 4-7pm, MCAD. I uploaded the footage onto a team drive so everyone has access and can add to it. I was joined by MCAD members to start editing the footage. Unfortunately something came up with the collective members and they couldn’t join. We talked about how it has been too difficult to schedule with community members on top of our own schedules. We messaged the group and we all decided to have audio interviews of the collective members talking about little Earth while using the footage they got, past footage I got of NYAC and found news footage.
April, 13th 11-1pm, MCAD. The NYAC member had to work so they couldn’t meet the MCAD students to go over editing. We looked at the footage and listened to the audio that Jera got of the collective members.
MCAD equipment pick up/drop off, about 2 hours. I didn’t keep track of the times I checked out and returned camera equipment from MCAD or got equipment from the NYAC at Little Earth. I assume it would be about two hours spent driving and equipment prep.
April 12th, 3pm-4pm at MCAD. April 10th I was out sick and some of the students worked on our event poster which looked great! On the 12th I met with Genevieve to edit the event poster because the address and location of gallery space was missing. since we met we decided to create a public Facebook event under the collectives facebook page and started to invite people!
The event poster next to a paining the NYAC made last summer with Rock9 Art Studio! It’s been great seeing more representation of my community on campus!!!
Editing from home, 4 hours. Since our schedules haven’t been lining up, myself and the other MCAD students agreed that it would make sense if Tom cut down the audio, Jera made the credits and I edited the visuals since I have so much past documentation with the collective.