February 5 Monday

Today we got to Sioux Trails Elementary very early and got all of our supplies into the first classroom to prep before the day started. Our project was fabric self portraits that everyone got to make themselves. First Marjorie showed photos of famous self portraits and gave simple first steps to starting the assignment. We laid out background and skin tone fabrics for the students to come up and pick from and they all got to work quickly. We both walked around helping and reminding the students of the right directions if they forgot or didn’t hear correctly. We worked with three 4th grade classes and she is going back for another four days to finish the project with them. We had a lot of time to get to know each other and talk to other teachers during lunch. We talked with one english teacher about her interest in fiber arts as well and were able to discuss the project with a few others near by. It was an all around very fast-paced day and really great to be able to work with around 60 kids total.