Whittier International, Eddie, 5 hours.
Simpson Housing, Melodee, 3 hours.

Every time I'm with Edie in class, it's always a surprise. The projects for the week are always quite fun and creative. This week, some classes made a dancing dragon for Chinese New Years. The students really loved the hands on projects and you always know that you're successful when your students go beyond what you talked about. It was nice to see the creativity seep in these children! 

I've been finding myself more friendly with grade 5 and I realize they are much more curious about me than any other class . They have been working digitally since a week before I arrived. I think about how innovated they are or could be. A lot of the work they do, they do the same thing, thinking that it's all they can do with a digital program. One student in particular gave me an idea to manipulate photos that they took on the computer using the program they've been using. The program is originally for photo editing, but we found a way to make art personal to them, as it definitely should be. I'm always excited to talk with Edie about future projects and works. Sharing ideas and bouncing ideas are some of the most important things as teachers, I believe.

A argument  broke out between students and escalated, which really startled me (as I'm sure everyone was). But I felt the situation was handled the best it could have been at the time. No one was hurt and class resumed as normal after awhile. Another student had drawn a picture for their friend who had been part of the problem in hopes that they felt better. I thought it was a kind gesture.

This week was my first week with Simpson Housing. I've heard so many great things about Melodee, and she certainly is! I came in not knowing what exactly to expect. I've heard projects that were done before. I love how positive and uplifting this place is. It really reminded me of my old workplace that I loved. This is a much smaller group with lots of assistance around. I also heard from Kate that I would help assist with documenting and grant writing sometimes too. I'm excited as I feel very blessed to have all these opportunities of experiences.