El Colegio - Thomas Ramirez - 6.0 hours

We began this week with looking at some more stop action films and discussing the student's ideas for their short films. I also brought in the canvasses that were delivered to my house and had the students write their names on it. The students were super excited at the prospect of having a finished canvas at the end of school and I will be looking into different local coffee shops to display their work. We also began doing the different techniques. We first learned about impasto and I had the students work on a still life of the fake fruit to be painted in impasto. I gave the students popsicle sticks to use instead of paint brushes to emulate utilizing a palette knife. The rest of the week, we will continue with other techniques, with glazing and scumbling next and then wet into wet, and then lastly dry brush blending. On Wednesday and Thursday, I had the students create an opening title page and the end title page. I also had them create a more in depth storyboard. On Thursday, we also began building the props and sets for their stop action films. I was able to procure a laptop and a camera for two weeks and will also utilize my camera. What I do need are sd cards though. We will be beginning shooting pictures for their stop action films on Friday. We will be using the clay, tissue, construction paper for the props that I requested and utilizing the outside. Some of the challenges will be having the students get their pictures done in time and the long process of editing.