El Colegio - Thomas Ramirez - 4.5 hours

We began the week by discussing materials and the ability to paint on multiple surfaces. I brought in my aqua oil set so students could get a feel for oil painting. I also had the students work through the color wheel and we talked about the different terms used when discussing color (primary, secondary, complimentary, tertiary) and how the colors affect each other when placed next to each other. Since I was going to be gone Thursday and Friday for midterm projects, I gathered up coaster sized tile pieces for the students to paint while I was gone. They were to keep in mind the color wheel terminology and be able to explain their color choices when I returned the following Monday. I do have an ongoing challenge with a few boys that are a bit disruptive to the class almost every day. I have spoken to Mr. Ramirez and he had some really good suggestions for me. I also finished up with the portfolio reviews and students spent much of their time making sure that all their work was in their portfolio and any missing assignments were completed. I assisted students that had missing assignments from absences and gave some students an extra week for their portfolios that had been absent for a long stretch.