Teen Residency Center - Carmen Elate - Middle School to High School Age - 3 hours over two days
One student created a ghost stop-motion
This week, I was not at Avivo as it was closed for President’s Day however, in Carmen’s class, the students began exploring stop-motion animation on Thursday using clay and an iPad app. Now, I have no experience with stop-motion animation so I was nervous at first about not being much help to the students, but the students showed me a lot of what they were doing and how the program worked. I helped them set up and sculpt figures out of clay, but for the most part, the students were really into it and we talked a lot about what ideas they had for their longer stop-motion project they had coming up. On Friday, most students continued to work on their stop-motion projects while others wanted to work on their weekly sketchbook assignments. They will be working on their animations for a few more weeks until I plan my lesson for them and I’m excited to see where the students go with their projects.