Residency - Whittier International School - Jane Swatosh - 3 hrs
Shadowing - Art Buddies - 2 hrs
This was the week of the Art Buddies parade, my lesson with Jane's 4th graders, my final week of residency, and the last full week of classes! It was a very busy week indeed.
My Art Buddy's final costume. She was a colorful flower and heart fairy!
On Thursday, we had the Art Buddies parade. All of the Art Buddies in their costumes and their mentors marched around the school twice to a drum beat led by Ms. Bennett while all of the classes sat along the walls of the hallways to watch us go by. All the kids were screaming and waving, it was pretty insane. We started going up the stairs and my Art Buddy told me, "This is where it gets really loud." She was right! It was super fun, though. Unfortunately, my Art Buddy didn't make it to our final session after school when all of the professional portraits were being taken, but I did get some pictures of her in her costume on my phone.'s me!
The next day, Friday, I taught my suminagashi marbling lesson to Jane's class. The kids were more attentive and excited about doing marbling than I could have expected, and although the potential for one was there--there was no huge mess! I had a lot of excellent experiences being at Whittier, and I'm really glad I got to know these kids. Jane even said she was interested in doing marbling with the students in the future, which would be great for the kids who were absent and unfortunately missed out. I'm really glad that my lesson went as well as it did. A big thank you to my hosting teacher, Jane, for allowing me into her classroom and letting me observe for the past several weeks. She is a fantastic teacher and truly cares about all of her students. And of course, thank you to Lynda, for helping me out a ton with supplies and a demo for my lesson!
Students' work laid out to dry!
I have come to the end of my practicum experience. Working in two elementary schools was fantastic. It was so interesting to see all of the huge differences as well as the similarities between both schools. Residing in the classrooms, getting to know the kids, and understand what they were learning really helped me become aware of what these kids are capable of (which, I freely admit, is so much more than I expected) at their different age ranges. I really do enjoy working with kids, and being able to go off campus and spend a day at elementary school, have kids read to me, talk to me about their life, and go out for recess was way more fun than a day spent sitting in a college classroom, so I'm really thankful for that as well. Like I said in my last entry, I really wish I could keep going, and hopefully, after graduation, I'll get the opportunity to do so.
Evie out!