Hopkins High School - Randi Rood - 4 hours
This past week was quite eventful! The first block involved making rounds to both the Drawing 2 students and the A.P. students. Some students are more willing to talk to me about their work than others. In some ways it's a little discouraging knowing I'm being compared to another teaching artist, but when a student does open up, it makes me feel a bit better. The philosophies being used while addressing the A.P. student's work is also very interesting. Some students are worried that their pieces don't coordinate enough and others worry about it coordinating too much. When brought up in critiques, the issue is always addressed differently based on what others like about the particular student's concentration. It concerns me that the students get discouraged during critique that they wonder if they should be in A.P. Art.
However, I digress. Even when there isn't a formal crit, the classroom is addressed in a way that critiques are constant, which helps. Randi is very aware of student needs and works to help each student to succeed in their own way, which is something I strongly agree with. The funniest part of second block was when there was an india ink incident. Some ink was knocked off a table being used for a demo and it splashed about fifteen feet away, hitting one boot and my inner ear. It was quite funny. Except when a students white converse were now almost completely black. I felt so bad! I am excited to see what the next week brings.