Hopkins High School- Randi Rood- 4 hrs.
This week I was finally be able to get back to Hopkins! It was the start of a new quarter, meaning that it was a new start for A.P. students and new classroom settings for drawing/painting 1 and 2. The first class was the drawing 2 section and they were very quiet and very confident with their works. They were a little shy but I was able to slowly open a few up to discuss works. The A.P. students were doing a collaborative abstraction project. Randi gave the students a word for a day and they were able to add to and paint over each others paintings after a period of time. Finally was the drawing 1 class. (maybe pick and choose what to add.) They were sadly a bit concerned about their abilities in class. Many saying "I can't do this," "I don't draw," or "this is just for credit." I hope to help them become more confident; many of them were actually very creative thinkers and understood exactly what needed to be done. Overall it was an interesting week.