Hopkins High School, Randi Rood- 4 hours, Susan Armington- 12 hours

This was my last week at Hopkins, it was sad, but I was really glad i was able to be there for these students and offer further guidance into the art world. I was able to discuss and offer my view on art after high school and everyone seemed rather engaged with that. I will miss them. Randi was a wonderful mentor and I hope to keep in touch with her as we both move forward.

I also worked with Susan Armington this past weekend which was so amazing! We were working on the river box project where you take a box, a folded piece of paper, and everyone who participated was able to create their own river. Some stayed very realistic with forest animals, and others created these surreal worlds with monsters, fairies, or cartoon characters. There were a few experiences that really stood out to me. One experience was when two families came in to participate and both were so impressed and into the project, they stayed to work for over an hour. They were so focused the room was almost silent. Another moment that meant a lot for me was when there was a spanish speaking family that understood some english but primarily spoke spanish came in and was working on their boxes, and I felt really proud when I was able to communicate with them and help them along with their projects. It was a one of those one on one connection moments that make a child feel more welcome and comfortable in an environment filled with a lot of english speakers. To have someone who can understand, makes the experience all that more fun and exciting. I LOVED working with Susan. She is an amazing artist and teacher. I am hopeful to keep in touch with her as well as I would love to work with her again.