January 4, 2022 (9:20am-4pm)
I was able to introduce myself in today’s class which helped me feel a little bit more comfortable with the students. The students started their day similar to the last class, but for sharing they all sat in a small circle and played a game to say hello to everyone. The game involved sharing your last name, but the teacher made it clear that students did not have to share their last name if they didn’t want to; she gave them two options to do instead (sharing middle name or saying first name twice).
The teacher took 3-4 movement breaks. In this class they would watch short, themed videos that walked the students through some sort of movement. This practice seemed very helpful and effective in giving the students a break and allowing them to refocus for the next activity.
Today, I noticed myself fighting being a friend vs teacher to the students. Navigating relationships with all the students and giving equal attention to all the students felt very difficult. This dynamic is something I had forgotten about when it comes to teaching, especially with younger students, and is something I want to work on tomorrow.