Unity School - Ms. Cara, Kindergarten - 2.5 hours
No school Monday for President's day, so I just got to go Thursday. We went to music class where they were working on their Starwars unit. The force was strong this week, no signs of the dark side.
Then the kids got three new books to read, two were easy and one was hard. They had to read their books to me quietly in the corner of the classroom, I could tell they were all intimidated by the "hard" book and saved that one for last. But everyone of them read all three books with no problems!! They are smarter than they give themselves credit for.
I think most of the kids were hoping for a snow day Friday, and Cara did do somethings Thursday just incase they did. I imagine she had a tough day Friday when they were all disappointed they had to go to school after all. But Friday was dress up in your best clothes day so I'm sure they had fun with that.