Residency- Children’ s Residential Treatment Center with Carmen Elate (cancelled all week due to weather!) - 1 hour
I was supposed to start at the Children’s Residential Treatment Center this past week but we had a snow storm on the first day that I was supposed to go and freezing temperatures the next day. Not to be discouraged though, there seems to be no bad forecast this upcoming week so my placement is a go!
I met up with Carmen Elate before winter break to set up our schedule. It is a little hard to get in many hours at a time since the art class timing is a bit short. I have arranged to come in for 3 hours a week and continue for as long as is needed to finish off the hours. I presume that this extended time will actually help me get to know the students better and maybe even give me multiple opportunities for lessons because of the spread out time. Carmen and I discussed some projects that I could maybe work on with the students and that is very exciting.
The students are a big age range, starting at 7th grade all the way up to 12th grade. One thing that they all have been working on is novels. Back in November, according to Carmen, there was a challenge for students to write novels and they have all been so excited about their writing that they have yet to stop writing these novels. I plan to work on making covers with the students that can really convey their message. They have already made stand in covers but Carmen said that she would really like to give the students the opportunity to work on the covers using traditional means. I love collage and multimedia so I may use that as part of my lesson plans. Carmen has lots of really high quality supplies for drawing and many other forms of art so I am really excited to get started tomorrow!
Residency- 6-8 Art at the Justice Page School with Elissa Cedarleaf-Dahl
Elissa and I have been communicating over email this past week and we have decided that I will complete my time with her during spring break. I plan to meet with Elissa before hand so that we can get settled with what I plan to teach since the time will be very condensed.
Shadowing: Kelley Meister
Kelly has a ton of really exciting projects coming up that I really hope to be a part of but all of them have lots of travel involved. Kelly has very kindly offered to give me a ride when ze teaches at the Faribault School for the Deaf but the commute is an hour long and seems to be a whole day experience which I am not quite sure if I can fit in yet. I will continue to be in touch with hir as the semester pans out in the next couple of weeks to make a solid plan.