First observing day!!!

From 4:30 to 6:30 I was able to observe the Walker Arts Teens Art Council. Today they had a guest speaker from social media at the Walker Art Center. The Social media branch was visiting to hear the teens opinions on how they could improve, as well as asking their personal experiences with social media.

Lauren the Walker’s Lead Educator, took on an art history lecture/discussion on Sherrie Levine’ Fountain (Marcel Duchamp) 1991. It brought up a bunch of interesting discussions and for many of the teens an introduction to purposeful appropriation. We went back historically to who Duchamp was and his influence.

This was a lovely conversation! seeing teens involved in the art discussion rather than merely being listeners. We ended the art talk with a couple questions on if artist can ever be fully original. The students were quite active within this discussion even after such a long day.

Overall it was absolutely lovely to observe the council and am looking forward to next week.