Residency 1: Unmesh Inamdar Art Academy, India ( 35 hours completed )
Residency 2: Residential Treatment Center (teens)
Shadowing: Shakun Maheshwari teaching artist, COMPAS
I flew back to Minneapolis from India this week. I took some photos from the flight for the inspiration for my own practice. I love going back and India and coming back to Minneapolis too but the journey always gets to me. I am not scared of flying but I do not enjoy the process of that. I get stressed by only looking at the tickets. I need to take 3 flights to either go back to India or come to Minneapolis which usually takes up 24 hours. I get stress by thinking of the running I have to do catch all the flights in time and the difficulties I might have to face. I am still getting used to the whole process and my feelings about that.
I am also scared of heights and earth. This is the first time in the past 4 years I have looked down enough at earth to take photos. I figured out it is a bit easy to look at earth from the mobile screen than actually looking down and panicking. These photos are my achievements for this year. I wonder always wonder about how art makes things easier to deal with. I am trying to get over my fear so can get inspire by my surroundings to create art.