MCTC- Gregory Rose- Residency 2 1/2hrs

This week South High School finished their semester and was closed for break on Friday, so I only went to Gregory Rose’s class at the Minneapolis Community and Technical College.  I had a great experience in the class, Gregory was very helpful and pushed me to be an interactive member of the class. He’s taking the time to explain why he’s teaching the way he is and showing me his process. We would often head in opposite directions of the room talking with the students and helping them along in their drawings. The students are working on contour line from a still life comprised of chair like objects. A few of them raised their hands and asked for my help. I felt like I was really a part of the class . Diving right into it is helping me to become more comfortable and confident within the classroom environment. The class is also revitalizing my desire to draw. This semester I’ve focused more on the sculpture part of my practice but I’m feeling the urge to do more and more drawings from life in my free time. It’s really interesting the impact the class is having on my personal practice.