Dorian and I met at Dyett High School this week to look at the space where we'll be executing the mural. The space is very drab (grey floor, white walls, fluorescent lighting). Dorian wants to find a way to change the shape of the space in some way, with wooden or fabric hangings framing the ceilings and the tops of the walls. We also discussed the possibility that we may be able to paint directly onto the floor as long as we finish it with some kind of shellac or polyurethane. We've been looking at a lot of old and new protest imagery for inspiration; we talked about incorporating the names of the other 50 schools that were closed down into the mural in some way, as well as finding a way to include sheet music or lyrics from some of the musicians who Walter Dyett was involved in training. Next week we'll be meeting with the students who expressed interest in the project to start planning.

Hours: 2