Southwest high school: Wednesday, 12:30-3:30
Walker Arts Center: Saturday, 11:30-12:30
At my final day at Southwest high school, the IB/AP students worked on a project where they created portraits of students from another country that they would mail back, created with whatever materials they wished, with a note of the student's name and favorite color. The Beginning Painting class were beginning experimentation for their final watercolor piece. Many students were frustrated with watercolor's tendencies when comparing it to the layerable acrylic. I am happy that students said that they would miss me when I thanked them for their time.
At the Walker Arts Center, I gave a one-hour activity during their Free First Saturday event themed with Jason Moran's exhibit, which had entire sets recreated from his memory. My one-hour lesson, attended by the families and other attendees during this event, was about creating objects from memory from Model Magic, a material which is moldable for even the weakest fingers. Attendees often followed the prompt, but many simply wanted to create - this event had participants from toddler age to adult. Many students needed to be reminded to not use all the available materials, but were amenable to being nudged in the right direction. I could see the importance of the physical and sculptural with how much each attendee enjoyed getting their hands on the material.