Native Youth Arts Collective
NYAC/MCAD exhibit event and prep time, 10 hours. The break down of hours are below.
April, 18th 5 hours. NYAC member Julien and I prepped and screen printed 100 patches for our event. I also taught him how to print for his own group project. He designed a cd cover image for his group project and we decided to print the image onto a shirt for a band shirt look.
NYAC logo patches for everyone that will come to tomorrow’s event!
Julien and I screen printing in my living room the night before the event!
Julien’s CD cover he designed and the NYAC logo design about to be cut into patches!
Day of the event! April 19th, 1pm-5pm. The youth requested Frybread at the event so I decided to make some along with Cedar tea! I went and got groceries for the bread and tea and hand picked flat cedar on my way home. The tea had cedar, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries including maple syrup for sweetener.
My younger brother Julien from the NYAC with the event posters. He hung them at his high school too!
I picked Cedar on my way home!
Cedar tea boiling!
I didn’t get a photo of the bread but here is a google photo. It looked a lot like this! :)
April 19th, 6-8pm at MCAD. The event went great! A lot of people showed up and the collective brought their family too! It was so cool to see all the groups finished pieces and to see more Native representation on campus! I actually met two another Native students that attend MCAD, that makes 5 now! :) They also thought this Art in Community collaboration with Little Earth youth was really great to see and were impressed with everyones work! We definitely want to continue this film over the summer!
NYAC! Top left to right: Thalia, Sofia, myself. Bottom left to right: Brenna, Carissa, Briezy, Heidi and Joe!